Lazy evaluation sometimes makes it trickier to really understand how a piece of code for folks used to languages with strict semantics (as I am). Sometimes introducing strictness is necessary to avoid space leaks and to make memory allocations more predictable in certain parts of our code. The usual suggestion is to “carefully sprinkle strict evaluation” in our code; one of the classic examples of memory leak is using foldl to sum a list of ints, with the result that instead of returning a result using constant space, it ends up taking an outrageous amount of memory before returning a result because thunks pile up (this behaviour is known as space leak). Most of the times I personally find it tricky to add strictness to a piece of Haskell code, so I’d like to share my latest experience doing that.

We’ll be using the Bloom filter implemented in chapter 26 of Real World Haskell as an example, the version contained in the book creates the filter lazily: our goal will be to create a strict version of that particular piece of code. In a nutshell, a Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure that consists of several hash functions and a bit array whose API allows only insertion and membership querying. The latter API might return false positives with an expected error rate decided when the filter is instantiated. Here’s a function that builds a Bloom filter lazily:

-- file: BloomFilter/BloomFilter.hs

import BloomFilter.Immutable as B (IBloom, fromList)
import BloomFilter.Hash (Hashable, doubleHash)
import Data.List (genericLength)
import Data.Either (either)

mkFromList :: Hashable a => Int -> [a] -> Either String (B.IBloom a)
mkFromList errRate xs =
  either Left (Right . mkBFilt) $ suggestSizing (genericLength xs) errRate
    mkBFilt (bits, numHashes) =
      B.fromList (doubleHash numHashes) bits xs

The function suggestSizing provides the optimal size of the underlying array and the number of hashes to generate given the length of the input list and the desired rate of false positives, but it’s not important for the topic of this article. Let’s try this code out in GHCI:

ƛ :set +s -- to print timing/memory stats after each evaluation
ƛ :load BloomFilter.BloomFilter
ƛ let ebf = mkFromList 0.01 ([1..10^6] :: [Int])
ebf :: Either String (B.IBloom Int)
(0.01 secs, 4658656 bytes)

The fact that ebf has not been fully evaluated should be clear since the evaluation took almost no time, but let’s ask GHCI for help:

ƛ :print ebf -- prints a value without forcing its computation
ebf = (_t2::Either String (B.IBloom Int))

GHCI is telling us that ebf is a thunk _ts of type Either String (B.IBloom Int). If we’re still not convinced that ebf is not evaluated we can ask it if an element is contained in the Bloom filter:

ƛ either (const False) (1 `B.elem`) ebf
it :: Bool
(19.44 secs, 13818404512 bytes)
ƛ either (const False) (11 `B.elem`) ebf
it :: Bool
(0.01 secs, 3118248 bytes)

From the timing/memory information should be pretty clear now that the evaluation was forced when we explicitly asked for a membership test. That expected given Haskell’s non-strict semantic. If we ask GHCI to give us information about ebf we can see that now it gives us a different answer:

ƛ :print ebf
ebf = Right
           (_t3::Int -> [Word32])
              (GHC.Word.W32# 0) (GHC.Word.W32# 9592954) 9592955

Let’s not focus on the types - again not important - GHCI is telling us the value of ebf after evaluation. We’d like to force this evaluation before the first time the Bloom filter is used, namely when it is created.

Beware GHCI

In GHCI we always need to explicitly specify type annotations for bindings that need to be forced, otherwise the interpreter will infer the most general type and won’t force the evaluation of the term. This is related to “the dreaded monomorphism restriction”.

Tools of the job

There are various ways of forcing evaluation in Haskell, the main ones are: seq, deepseq, rnf (the last two can be found in the Control.DeepSeq module and require the argument to be an instance of the NFData type class) or the handy BangPatterns extension, which is syntactic sugar for seq. As a first try, let’s force the evaluation of ebf using bang patters and see what happens:

ƛ :set -XBangPatterns
ƛ let !ebf' = mkFromList 0.01 ([1..10^6] :: [Int])
ebf' :: Either String (B.IBloom Int)
(0.34 secs, 197720920 bytes)
ƛ :print ebf'
ebf' = Right (_t5::B.IBloom Int)

That did something, specifically it evaluated ebf' a bit so that now we already know that the construction of the Bloom filter succeeded but did we manage to instantiate it? By carefully reading the output of GHCI it should be clear that we’re not quite there yet but let’s again double check:

ƛ either (const False) (11 `B.elem`) ebf'
it :: Bool
(19.02 secs, 13624548640 bytes)

The membership test took still 19 seconds, as we expected. So what’s happening here? Now it’s probably a good point to introduce some terminology that will help us out understanding what’s happening and how to go forward.


A reducible expression (or redex) is an expression that can be evaluated until a value is obtained, i.e. let x = 1 + 6 is a redex since it can be evaluated to obtain let x = 5. Let’s again double check it in GHCI:

ƛ let x = 1 + 5 :: Int
x :: Int
ƛ :print x
x = (_t6::Int)
ƛ let !x = 1 + 5 :: Int
x :: Int
ƛ :print x
x = 6

At this point x cannot be futher evaluated and is said to be in normal (or canonical) form. Now what about an expression like Right (1 + 5)? It should be clear that it’s not in normal form so can we just force evaluation by adding a bang pattern? Let’s see if that works:

ƛ let !x = Right (1 + 5) :: Either a Int
x :: Either a Int
ƛ :print x
x = Right (_t8::Int)

What’s happening here?! It turns out that an expression in Haskell can be in other form called weak head normal form when it’s not a redex itself and further evaluation of its sub-expressions cannot make it a redex. Right (1 + 5) isn’t a redex (Right is a constructor for the Either type) and it cannot be made one if the sub-expression 1 + 5 is evaluated. Does that mean we have to unwrap the sub-expression in order for it to be evaluated? Not necessarily. We have a few options, namely forcing the evaluation of the sub-expression before we wrap it:

ƛ let !x = let !y = 1 + 5 :: Int in Right y
x :: Either a Int
ƛ :print x
x = Right 6

or levaraging some of the functions in the Control.DeepSeq module:

ƛ let !x = let x = Right (1 + 5) :: Either a Int in x `deepseq` x
x :: Either a Int
ƛ :print x
x = Right 6
ƛ let !x = Right (1 + 5) :: Either a Int
x :: Either a Int
ƛ rnf x
it :: ()
ƛ :print x
x = Right 6

deepseq is like seq on steroids, it reduces an expression and all its sub-expressions to normal form (rnf which stays for “reduce to normal form” does exactly the same). Again keep in mind is that in order to use these two functions the argument must be an instance of NFData (Normal Form Data).

A more in depth explanation and a bunch of very informative links and more examples can be found in Stephen Diehl’s What I wish I knew when learning Haskell

Taking control

Now that we’are aware of all this, let’s create a strict version of our mkFromList function and let’s call it mkFromList' (using the convention other functions like foldr' use). The first function we need to change is (Right . mkBFilt): this is equivalent to \x -> Right (mkBFilt x) (using eta-expansion) and to \pair -> let bfilt = mkBFilt pair in Right bfilt if we massage the lambda a bit. Here bfilt needs to be evaluated so again the easiest thing to do is to add a bang pattern: \pair -> let !bfilt = mkBFilt pair in Right bfilt. A quick note for about point-free style: adding strictness is a bummer in that respect. Let’s have a look at the following code

-- file: BloomFilter/BloomFilter.hs

mkFromList' errRate xs =
  either Left (Right . mkFilt') $ suggestSizing (genericLength xs) errRate
    mkBFilt' (bits, numHashes) =
      let !bfilt =  B.fromList (doubleHash numHashes) bits xsin bfilt

By eta-expanding (Right . mkFilt') we obtain \pair -> Right (mkFilt' pair) that is a function that will be evaluated lazily. Are we done yet? Almost. Let’s have a look at the type of ebf' again: Either String (B.IBloom Int). What’s IBloom (the ‘I’ stays for “immutable”)? Here’s how it’s defined:

-- file: BloomFilter/Internals.hs

data IBloom =
  IB { hash  :: (a -> [Word32])
     , array :: UArray Word32 Bool

This closely reflects the definition of a Bloom filter, we have a function that returns a list of hashes for a given value and an array of bits. Keeping in mind that a constructor is also a function, we might notice that there is still something we need to force evaluation upon: the array field. In order to do this let’s write a strict version of mkBFilt, this time using seq for a change:

-- file: BloomFilter/BloomFilter.hs

mkBFilt' (bits, numHashes) =
  let bfilt = B.fromList (doubleHash numHashes) bits xs
  in array bfilt `seq` bfilt

Equivalently, we could have pattern-matched on bfilt and used a bang pattern on its array field. The final version of our mkFromList' function looks something like this:

-- file: BloomFilter/BloomFilter.hs

mkFromList' :: Hashable a => ErrorRate -> [a] -> Either String (B.IBloom a)
mkFromList' errRate xs =
  either Left rightBFilt' $ suggestSizing (genericLength xs) errRate
    rightBFilt' x = let !bfilt = mkBFilt' x in Right bfilt

    mkBFilt' (bits, numHashes) =
      let bfilt = B.fromList (doubleHash numHashes) bits xs
      in array bfilt `seq` bfilt

Let’s test it in GHCI:

ƛ let !ebf'' = mkFromList' 0.01 ([1..10^6] :: [Int])
ebf'' :: Either String (B.IBloom Int)
(19.29 secs, 13819004104 bytes)
ƛ :print ebf''
ebf'' = Right
            (_t1::Int -> [Word32])
               (GHC.Word.W32# 0) (GHC.Word.W32# 9592954) 9592955

And YES! We finally managed to fully evaluate our Bloom filter before its first use in our code.

Wrapping up

  1. There are multiple ways we can use to introduce strictness in Haskell code: seq, the BangPatterns extension or the functions in the Control.DeepSeq module
  2. Using GHCI and leveraging the :print command and the +s flag can help us understanding how our code is evaluated while developing
  3. Keep in mind the difference between NF and WHNF: if we cannot manage to force evaluation of an expression it’s because some sub-expression is still in WHNF
  4. Carefully analyse our code to identify where strictness needs to be added

Further readings