This is another short tale about lazy evaluation but this time it is about a lack thereof, a moment of brief despair and confusion and how the underlying simplicity of a purely functional language like Haskell comes to the rescue. I guess every software developer is familiar with the boolean AND which is the (&&) function in Haskell. In an effectful context, we can lift (&&) and use it without having to rewrite it using combinators like liftA2 or liftM2. Let’s take some simple example usages:

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

ƛ: liftA2 (&&) (pure False) (const True <$> fromMaybe undefined Nothing)
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:79:14 in base:GHC.Err
  undefined, called at <interactive>:10:53 in interactive:Ghci3

What’s going on? Let’s apply the reduction rules to understand why the exception was thrown

-- definition of liftA2
liftA2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 f x y = fmap f x <*> y

-- evaluation
1. liftA2 (&&) (pure False) (const True <$> fromMaybe undefined Nothing)
2. fmap (&&) (pure False) <*> (const True <$> fromMaybe undefined Nothing)
3. pure (&& False) <*> (const True <$> fromMaybe undefined Nothing)
4. pure (&& False) <*> (const True <$> fromMaybe undefined Nothing)
5. liftA2 id (pure (&& False)) (const True <$> fromMaybe undefined Nothing)
6. fmap id (pure (&& False)) (const True <$> fromMaybe undefined Nothing)
7. pure (&& False) (const True <$> undefined)
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined

The catch here is that effects are always evaluated. The lifted (&&) will be lazy then in the evaluation of the values but not in the evaluation of the effects. This might be counterintuitive or surprising at first glance: (&&) appears to “lose some of its laziness” when it’s lifted. If effects need to be lazily evaluated, we need to write our own “lazy lifted” version of (&&):

(.&&) f g = do
  p <- f
  if p
    then do { p' <- g ; pure (p && p') }
    else pure p

ƛ: (.&&) (pure False) (const True <$> fromMaybe undefined Nothing)

Wrapping up

Lifting a pure function adds an “effectful dimension” to it: when it comes to how the lifted function evaluates values think about the semantics of the pure function, when it comes to how the lifted function evaluates effects think about the semantics of the underlying type class.